Welcome to Science Spoon!

Science Spoon helps you prepare for the Middle School Science Bowl.

If you have any suggestions, feel free to send them our way.

Our practice modes:

  • Competition Mode: Aims to imitate competitions with a reading speed of 150ms per word. It incorporates "blurts" after buzzing on TOSS-UP questions, so respondents must wait for recognition before answering.
  • Rapid-Fire Mode: Our default mode is best for practicing questions quickly. Reading is fast with 100ms between each word and recognition is instant. It's best for practicing many questions quickly, but be careful that the quick pace doesn't train you to blurt!
  • Study Mode: This mode displays the full question at the get-go, and you may choose to hide/display the answers below each question, or compile them at the end of the page. This mode is best for review or study printouts as it doesn't track responses or timings.

We encourage login!

Registration is free! And users that login can see their Rapid-Fire and Competition mode response stats. In particular, ScienceSpoon:

  • Lists missed questions for review later.
  • Tracks category accuracy to show you your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Compares timings with others (coming soon).
Logged-in stats example
Logged-in stats example

P.S. Flashcard mode is working for logged in users. Logged-in users may add single questions to their flashcard deck, or may add their missed questions on their profile page. Flashcard mode was added on March 3rd, and we will expand ways to use it soon.

Additionally, we have improved our Mobile support. While using a desktop is still best because of typing speed and key maps, we are now usable on mobile devices.